Thursday, November 24, 2022

Show HN: Have fun betting virtual (not real) money on predictions from HN users

Show HN: Have fun betting virtual (not real) money on predictions from HN users I wanted to see how difficult it would be to build a web app using a sub-$300 android smartphone. Decided to build a fun predictions website where you could bet virtual (not real) money on predictions made by others, and also make predictions of your own. Building it turned out to be considerably easier and more fun than I anticipated. And the site in question (kudotap) turned out to be more engrossing than a lot of sites I've built (crazy!) Primary tools used were: # QuickEdit as the mobile code editor (Note: the free version of the QuickEdit app is riddled with ads, it shows an advert each time you close a tab, but it unfortunately had the best UI of the 3 or so Android code editors I tested. Ended up using NetGuard to block it from retrieving & displaying ads), # PHP for the Backend ( custom PHP microframework I've used and built on over the past 7ish or so years ). # jQuery for the frontend js ( cringing ) - it appears I'm either too dumb, or simply too lazy to learn React/Vue/et al. Every once in a while, I pick one of them to learn, but I always end up returning to jQuery - or time-permitting - amateur level vanilla JS. # Bootstrap for the CSS - Battle-tested. For a purely backend dev with minimal design skills, good ol' Bootstrap (and in a growing number of cases, Tailwind) is always a life saver. # Whole thing is hosted on 2 VMs (1 hosting the web app, and 1 hosting Redis & MySQL). # As to the site itself, it turned out to be pretty cool to play around with. Go there, view the predictions, bet on the predictions you believe will come true, or against the ones you think will not. You get $50,000 to bet with (not real money). No signup is required to bet, but a quick signup is required to make a prediction. Hope you guys like it, and please be ruthless in telling me of any bugs you've found. So go on here => And Have Fun! November 25, 2022 at 02:37AM

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface November 25, 2022 at 01:28AM

Found on YouTube: কিভাবে ফাইভার এ বায়ার এর সাথে কমিউনিকেশন করতে হয়? Fiverr Client Communication

কিভাবে ফাইভার এ বায়ার এর সাথে কমিউনিকেশন করতে হয়? Fiverr Client Communication
CodemanBD Fiverr client communication See Our Platforms & Contact Details: ================================ ➤ Our ...

Found on YouTube: ১০০% নিশ্চিৎ বাইয়ার আসবেই | How to Create a Gig on Fiverr Easily | ফাইবার গিগ কিভাবে বানাবেন ?

১০০% নিশ্চিৎ বাইয়ার আসবেই | How to Create a Gig on Fiverr Easily | ফাইবার গিগ কিভাবে বানাবেন ?
Title of this video is ১০০% নিশ্চিৎ বাইয়ার আসবেই | How to Create a Gig on Fiverr Easily | ফাইবার ...

Show HN: WinkNLP delivers 600k tokens/second speed on browsers (MBP M1)

Show HN: WinkNLP delivers 600k tokens/second speed on browsers (MBP M1) November 24, 2022 at 11:21PM

Found on YouTube: Fiverr fraud

Fiverr fraud

Found on YouTube: Canva Fiverr Freelancing Free Course Complete How To Make Money With Canva

Canva Fiverr Freelancing Free Course Complete How To Make Money With Canva
Canva Fiverr Freelancing Free Course Complete How To Make Money With Canva Please Check more video Thanks Rehan ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Found on YouTube: Fiverr/Upwork charging high commissions from freelancers

Fiverr/Upwork charging high commissions from freelancers

Found on YouTube: Fiverr Affiliate Program ( Earn Money On Fiverr Without Any Skill )

Fiverr Affiliate Program ( Earn Money On Fiverr Without Any Skill )
Today Link : ✓ Binance Register link ( 20% Discount ) ...


4 Methoden um Geld auf Fiverr zu verdienen: Mein Hauptkanal: ...

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username November 23, 2022 at 11:35PM

Found on YouTube: 4 High Demand and Low Competition Fiverr Gigs of 2023 | Best Low Competition Fiverr Gigs

4 High Demand and Low Competition Fiverr Gigs of 2023 | Best Low Competition Fiverr Gigs
4 High Demand and Low Competition Fiverr Gigs of 2023 | Best Low Competition Fiverr Gigs In this video, I will tell you about the ...

Found on YouTube: How to Create Fiverr Account & Gig in 2023 | How to Make Money on Fiverr complete course

How to Create Fiverr Account & Gig in 2023 | How to Make Money on Fiverr complete course
Welcome to this video, in which you will learn how to create a Fiverr account and a gig in 2023. This is a brief course in which you ...