Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Show HN: Pornpen.ai, AI-Generated Porn https://ift.tt/pQNPhID

Show HN: Pornpen.ai, AI-Generated Porn Hey HN, I've been working on https://pornpen.ai , a site for generating adult images. Please only visit the site if you are 18+ and willing to look at NSFW images. This site is an experiment using newer text-to-image models. I explicitly removed the ability to specify custom text to avoid harmful imagery from being generated. New tags will be added once the prompt-engineering algorithm is fine-tuned further. If the servers are overloaded, take a look at the feed and search pages to look through past results. For comments/suggestions/feedback please visit https://ift.tt/lLA1Nnx Enjoy! https://pornpen.ai/ August 24, 2022 at 04:36AM

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